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Acrylic & Mural Painting

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For rapid results and drying acrylics are quite versatile. 
You can quickly obtain results and repaint any area which does not satisfy your senses. Contact Richard for a QUOTE on your next commercial or residential project.

Church Baptistry: This detail is from a larger set of panels painted around the interior of a baptism font in a church. The congregation views the entire mural through a cut-out window behind the pulpit as if they are looking outdoors. Depending on where one sits in the church the mural content changes.

View the complete mural in PDF format - CLICK HERE


Restaurant Full Wall Undersea Mural: The floor to ceiling mural covers the entire back room of a restaurant. Pictured here is a small inset detail. Attention was paid to creating realistic ocean life with accurate representation.

Each panel was researched so that the undersea creatures appear to be alive. When you sit in the room the mural gives you the sensation of being underwater.

View the complete mural in PDF format - CLICK HERE


Landscapes: "I find acrylic painting relaxing in that you can rework areas and relayer as needed to obtain the desired look." Incorporating all the artist learns over the years, acrylics allows intense depth and dramatic interpretation of any scene. Unlike watercolors, this type of painting allows greater experimentation.

For students and beginners, acrylics offers a lot of flexibility to improve. You just have to decide to keep painting. You don't have to start over. By learning the foundations of visualizing scenes onto canvas one advances rapidly.


Landscapes: This unfinished bridge straddles a waterfall at camp. The rising and falling water levels are intriguing to watch, as they create an unsteady creek at the bottom.

The natural rocks were interesting contrasted with the large gravel tucked up against the dam. The focus is kept on the foreground with the background foliage appearing to wave in the distance.


Still Life: The simplicity of this piece captures basic fruit and a ceramic mug on linen. The glove adds needed depth for the grouping.

Every student should use still life as a primary component of working towards portraiture. Recreating the environment is important when approaching the production of finished formal portraits.

The old adage of being able to walk before you can run applies here. Study and paint still life to then move on to more complex compositions.